Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Gingerbread House

The kids have been begging me to make the gingerbread house, but we have been waiting for Daddy to come home from his week long hunting trip to Missouri. So last night after Jacob's Christmas program at St. Lukes, we decide to finallly decorate it all together as a family. Hayden even helped my eating whatever the kids or I would give him to eat. The kids were squirting frosting in his mouth and he was loving it. He was going crazy in his chair. It was hilarious. This year we decided to let the kids do as they wanted with the house. So, this is the most special of all gingerbread houses. Here are a few pictures.

Christmas Tree

The first week of December we went out on our usual trip to get our real Christmas tree. It was sooo cold outside, we were not very picky. However, we found our tree with little searching and brought it home to make it pretty. So here is a picture of Jacob and one of Taylor putting an ornament on the tree! I love the holidays and all the family fun it brings!!

Jacob's Christmas Program

Last night was Jacob's little Christmas Program at school. He was soooo cute! His teacher says he has been doing such a great job and sings so loud...and that is just what he did. Listen carefully and you can hear his loud little voice in the video. Okay can stop hounding me about getting this posted. I told Jacob this evening how you keep asking me if it is on the computer and he says " Mommy, do it aunties just wants to see me so bad because she loves me and wants to tickle me all over all the time!" It melted my heart!! So, even though I should be cleaning my house because GrAnDmA is CoMiNg!!! yeah!!!! I am sooo excited to say the least. I am doing this for the best sis in the entire universe!! Plus...I want to get a few posts done for the family to see, because I probably will not be posting until after Jan 5th or so. Enjoy the video everybody!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Our Silly Boys!

I know the picture quality is horrible and all, but I just had to post this. I'm busy doing laundry and all of a sudden I hear "eeeeeee" coming from Hayden. Then I hear Jacob asking him, "Is that fun Hayden?" Followed by lots more eeeee's (which I am assuming is his way of saying my other kids say). So I follow the sounds of fun and this is what I see. Jacob giving Hayden a ride on the storage container. It was so cute to see them have so much fun together. I could tell Jacob felt like such a big brother. I was a little worried Hayden was going to fall off, but Jacob was good about not lifting the container too high.

Pawpaw's House!

Just thought I would post pics of Pawpaw and the boys. I thought this was too cute! It was nice to see Pawpaw holding Hayden so much and Hayden enjoyed it too. He would just sit there and hang out on his lap. I just had to get a picture of Hayden falling asleep on Pawpaw because it is so rare that any of my kids fall asleep being held. So, I had to get proof that it actually happened.

Pawpaw and Hayden Pawpaw, Hayden and Jacob (can you see his shiner?) hanging out.

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Polar Express Train

So the day after Fiesta Texas we drove to Scotts dads house. Our friends suggested we all take our kids to the Polar Express. This is a train station near Scott's dad's house that gives train rides that mimic the Polar Express movie. This is Jacob's favorite movie, so we thought it would be perfect for him. The kids had a blast and loved it. Here are a few pictures of the event.

Group, look at all those kids!

The cute girls!

The girls dancing with the boy who delievered the hot cocoa. The picture of Scott dancing with Samuel was too blurry. Bummer!

The conductor who stamped our tickets.

Our family always.

Our little Jacob in front of the big train!

Six Flags Fiesta Texas in the Cold

After Thanksgiving we went to Six Flags Fiesta Texas in San Antonio. The kids had a blast. They were able to ride all the rides without waiting in line except the snow slide. Hayden was even able to ride a few of the rides with us. The kids decorated cookies and played lots of games. It was kinda cold for me, but it didn't seem to bother the kids at all. The kids behave so well on our family trips and we all have a wonderful time together. Here are a few pictures...I don't have too many because I started using the camcorder to take the pictures and Scott has the camcorder with him on his hunting trip.

Our family photo...not bad for using a bench and a timer.

Hayden watching Jacob and Taylor driving cars.

Taylor decorating her cookie.

Jacob decorating his cookie.

Taylor and Jacob with rudolph and another reindeer.

Taylor taking Hayden down the slide for the hundreth time, Haden was soooo funny.

Jacob and Taylor on a ride.

Thanksgiving Fun!

We went to Houston to spend Thanksgiving with Scott's family. We all had a great time hanging out together. The kids kept busy playing together and we enjoyed hanging out and visiting. The day before thanksgiving was crazy. So many kids getting hurt all within a few minutes. It's not that they were misbehaving, they were just crazy silly accidents. The most traumatising one to me was Jacob getting hit by a bat by his own sister. Jacob said he got closer so see better. Our poor little man was hit on the side of his left eye. It instantly became this huge bump on the side of his face. The next few days it just got worse of course. The following few days we were at Six Flags Fiesta Texas in San Antonio and then on a Polar Express ride and he got sooooooo many stares and comments. I was embarrassed for him. It didn't slow him down any though. Okay, well enough about that. Connor was wonderful about giving all the kids rides in the wagon with his 4 wheeler. He was so good about turning around and checking on the kids as he drove them around on and off through out the 2 days we were there. The kids also enjoyed tackling Grandpa Rick. Poor Rick...I think at one point he had 5 kids piled on him. Here are a few pictures of our fun!

Connor, Jacob and Hayden (don't worry people...Granny is standing close to Hayden) all on the 4 wheeler together.
Connor giving Hayden, Taylor and Carter a ride.
Grandpa Rick tackling Connor and Jacob wondering whats going on.
Taylor coming to help Connor get Grandpa Rick and Jacob still wondering what is going on.
My sweeties...Jacob, Taylor and Hayden. Hayden is frowning here, but as soon as Connor starts moving them it turns to a big smile.
Just had to post this picture of our cute Claire.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Christmas Pictures - sneak peek

I wanted to post a few pictures of our Christmas photo shoot.  The kids did sooooo well.  I was so proud of them.  I think they actually had fun doing it.  They loved running around by the pond, old barn, and old horse trailer.  The lady said we have about 140 good pictures, because the kids were doing so well.  I can't wait to get the CD to see all of them.  You all know what a crazy photo freak I you can imagine how excited I am.  Here are what I have so far. 

Jacob's Thanksgiving Feast at School

Jacob had a Thanksgiving Feast at his school.  So Hayden and I were able to go help out and hang with him and his friends for a little while.  Scott had to go to work during that time, but we still had fun.  Jacob is so sweet and nice to all his friends.  I don't know why he doesn't stay that way with his sister at home.  One of these days he will realize it is not worth fighting with his sister all the time.  Here are some pictures of the event.

Jacob waiting patiently to eat

Jacob getting ready for prayer

Everyone praying before they eat
(Mrs. Beth is standing in upper left corner of picture)

I think he is wishing I would stop taking pictures

Taylor's Field Trip

Taylor and I went on her school field trip to a tree farm.  They told us and showed us how they did everything around the farm.  The kids were able to learn, go on a hay ride and feed the donkey a carrot.  Taylor made sure to tell her friends that she already knew how to feed a donkey, because she knows how to feed a horse.  Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Allen who has educated her in the proper way to feed a horse a snack!!  :-) Taylor and I had a lot of fun.  I didn't realize Taylor was such a smarty pants at school.  She definetly didn't get that from me.  I was never one to raise my hand and always hoped they would never call on me.  Anyways, we had fun together and here are just a few of the pictures I took that day.

Taylor feeding the donkey

Taylor and her best friend Madison

Taylor and I on the hay ride

Taylor always has the answer

The Kid's Drawings

The kids made these beautiful pictures for Scott and I and so I just had to share with everyone.  Taylor has been drawing people lately and Jacob wanted to give it a try.  I think they both have done a great job on their pictures. 

Taylors drawing of herself and some of her friends at school

Jacob's drawing of himself with mommy