Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Fishing Trip

Scott took Taylor and Jacob fishing tonight and were gone for a lquite a while. It was nice to spend the time alone with Hayden. It's so hard to believe he is going to be 1 very very soon. Time flies so fast. I can't believe we have been here in Lake Charles for almost 2 years. We are enjoying it more and more here, it helps to have such great friends and my mom and grandma here. Anyways, back to the fishing story.....Taylor caught a redfish and a trout along with a bunch of hardheads. Jacob caught a redfish and more of those crazy hardheads. Poor daddy he only caught the hardheads because he was too busy having to help our little hardheads. :-) Anyways, they all had a lot of fun and we have more fish to add to our freezer. Last time Scott and Jacob went fishing we gave away the redfish they caught, because we have so much fish! We are keeping it this time though...we need to eat healthier! Here are a few pictures of this evening. Ohhh...for those of you who notice the kids don't have their life vests on. The water is shallow here, so not to worry.

Taylor and her redfish!

Jacob and his redfish...look at that facial expression!

Jacob was so tired he fell asleep right after he was bathed and had his pajamas on! What a cutie pie all cuddled up with his teddie bear.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Hayden Crawling

I finally was able to get some video of Hayden crawling, for those of you who have been asking me for it. It took me awhile because of our camcorder has been acting up. Here is our little guy crawling, getting upset and then smiling. His smile is just so contagious.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

My Projects

While Scott has been getting ready for hunting season at his new lease her in Lake Charles, I have been busy myself. I made Hayden a birthday shirt. I love brown and blue together and couldn't find anything that I really liked, so I decided to make my own. I figured I would put a picture of it on the blog so you guys who can't be here for his birthday could see it. Then the other pictures are of an outfit that I made for Taylor. I saw this really cute material at Hobby Lobby and wanted to do something with it, so this is what I did. Aren't you proud of me Grandma? :-)

Our Snail Find

Scott (the wonderful daddy that he is) comes into the house the other day all excited to show the kids his new find. He found this huge snail in our backyard. I told Jacob to put his hand by the snail so you guys could see how big this thing is (first picture below). Scott and the kids are always trying to gross me out and scare me with all sorts of things. Snail, lizards, name it they come and set things on my leg or back just to freak me out. Let me say, they do a really good job at it. Especially Jacob, he loves to "get me". It seems like we always have some sort of animal in our bug catcher homes and the reptile home that the kids got from their Aunties (thanks Mel). At least those critters stay outside. Just thougth I would show off Scotts largest snail in the world find. :-)

As you can see, Jacob just kept starring and playing with his new snail. He couldn't get enough of it.

Long Needed Post

I thought I better catch up a little on the blog. Things have been so busy here lately. I know I say that alot, but some how or other time just seems to fly by so fast. Scott and I went out of town last weekend for only a few days and came home to find Hayden crawling from room to room and Taylor minus 2 front teeth. Why is it that when we leave things happen?

Scott and I loved loved loved having time to ourselves. We spent one day driving around and looking at waterfront property in Toledo Bend (dreaming of the day we could actually buy something like that) and just hanging out relaxing together. It was so nice to not worry about anyone else other than ourselves. We spent another day shopping in Canton, Tx (which is a really huge flea market type of place known for their really cute unique/boutique things). Then another day we spent just hanging out and enjoying time without our children. It was a much needed and deserved trip! The kids were in great hands with our wonderful sitters Chelsey and her husband Amos. The kids loved having them stay with them while we were gone. They still talk about hanging out with them in Taylors room with the crazy bunnies.

Bunny update...Taylors bunny is so cute and sweet. When we let it lose in her room, it will come over and lay down by us or come and jump in our lap. It likes the attention for sure. Jacob's bunny on the other hand is terrified of him (and us for that matter). I think having Jacob as his "daddy" it has scared the heck out of it and he doesn't like to be held. So, if we let it lose in the room, he can be hard to catch.

Well, here is a picture of Taylor and her missing 2 teeth. It's sort of hard to tell in this picture with the lighting, but its the best I could do. We call her our little "toothless wonder" now. Christmas pictures will be awesome! :-) Ha! Ha! I wanted to put some video of our crawling little man, but our camcorder is giving me problems. Will try again tomorrow.