Thursday, January 13, 2011

More December Fun

The day after Christmas we went up to Buffalo, Texas to see Scott's Dad and Step-Mom. It was a nice time visiting with them. We also took the kids to the Polar Express Train. Scott's brother and his family went with us this year which made it more fun. The kids had a good time, but it was really cold.

Kids getting excited about opening their presents
Hayden admiring his barn set from paw-paw and grandma nell
kids still busy opening presents
Taylor very excited about her pearl earrings
Jacob also got a camo backpack of paw-paw's full of stuff...doe urine included...ohhh my
the camo cousins...Connor and Jacob
Here are some pictures of us at the Polar Express Train. My train boys loved it other than Hayden having a melt down cause we wouldn't let him run up and down the train with the other kids.

Mommy and Hayden

Connor and Jacob
Taylor and Claire
Hayden with Daddy and Mommy
Taylor, Claire, and Jacob dancing in the train
Hayden's meltdown...had to post this because he looks so silly
The whole gang posing for a picture
Just Us...

Christmas Day

The Murphy Christmas is always fun!! This year we celebrated with Scott's family. We had Christmas Eve at home so the kids could wake up in their own beds. Then that morning we drove to Houston to Scott's brothers where his Mom and Step-Dad were. Christmas Eve was a blast. Scott and I love getting everything ready and playing Santa. We laugh so hard being crazy. That night I also pulled a trick of my own. Scott jumped in the shower after we had everything ready and I pretended to get into bed. Once I heard him get into the shower I ran outside to our outside pool bathroom to get the electric smoker and haul it in the house. He was sooo surprised the next morning. I was so proud of myself for finally pulling a fast one on him. Especially with something so big and heavy. Here are a few pictures of Christmas morning at our house.

Our Christmas Card
Hayden not sure what to do since we have been telling him for days not to touch the presents
Hayden finding his tractor from Santa
Our silly Taylor so excited about her gift from Santa
Jacob kept using his gift from Santa
Taylor so grateful to her brother for the earrings he picked out for her
Kiddos opening their gifts
Hayden thinking his present was a bed
This boy is addicted to anything that is about trains
Hayden opening his gift from Uncle Calvin & Aunt Laurie
Jacob so thankful to his Aunt and Uncle for the gifts
Taylor busy with her new gifts
Jacob opening another present
Granny K and Grandpa Rick watching the kids open their gifts

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

December Fun

December was a fun and busy month for us. It gets crazy with all the kids Christmas partys, field trips, and Christmas programs. Jacob and Hayden had Christmas partys at school the same day that I had to sit with Taylor's class. I was bummed that I wasn't able to make the boys party because I have never had to miss any of their school events. I guess with 3 kids I am bound to eventually have to miss something. It was interesting to take care of 27 2nd grade and take them to lunch, restroom and recess. I don't see how teachers can do that day after day. Anyways, so Scott was able to go hang out with Jacob at his party.

Jacob and Daddy
Jacob opening his book
Taylor's party was another exciting event. LOL! I am co-room mom for her class and so we were the lucky ones who set up the party. It was a crazy fun mess. The kids had a blast and us adults well...we survived.

Our pretty little girl
Taylor and Mommy
Taylor digging for a gift
Taylor and her teacher Ms. Garner
Every year Scott does a gingerbread house with the kids. It has become their little tradition. The last few times we have done them it has become a little more challenging because they fight over who gets to do what side. So, this year Scott found gingerbread sleighs. So they each had their own to decorate. It worked out really good and I hope we can keep finding these sleighs.

Jacob with his sleigh
Taylor with her sleigh
Hayden working on his sleigh

The next fun event was Jacob's school program. He was one of the cutest little wise man I've ever seen...and he is our little wise man. He was not shy at all which really surprised us because he normally gets shy with new people. I guess all that practicing they did paid off. Here are a few pictures of him in the play and singing. Sorry for the dark pictures...I don't know what was up with my camera that night.

Jacob saying his part
Jacob waving at us...that silly boy
Singing their Christmas songs
Jacob looks so bored up there
We got our Christmas tree a few days after Thanksgiving while Grandma was still with us. Jacob was being funny and tangled himself all up with the lights as we were getting ready to put them on the tree. Meanwhile, Grandma is playing trains with Hayden. I think Grandma likes to play with the kids toys as much as the kids do. LOL!! She is always playing something with the kids.
Jacob and Taylor putting ornaments on the tree
Grandma and Hayden playing trains while the other kids decorate the tree
Taylor and Jacob finally get Hayden somewhat interested in helping with the tree
Here are 2 misc pictures that I thought were cute. I sent Jacob to his room one day because he got in trouble and I got busy with the laundry and forgot I sent him to his room. When I finally remembered and went looking for him he wasn't in his room. So I started calling for him and yelling for him to answer me. After checking all the rooms I started to freak out a little and started looking in the rooms again. As I was leaving Taylor's room for the second or third time I noticed some little feet sticking out from under the foot of her bed. So I look under the bed and this is what I found. His DS was on and he fell asleep playing it. I guess that is what I get when I send him to his own room and forget about him. I just thought it was too cute!!

For some reason this picture would not rotate, but I thought it was so cute. He feel asleep so fast and right in the middle of the living room. I guess he was extremely tired!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Grandma is Here

My wonderful most amazing Grandma came to visit us for Thanksgiving. We all love when she gets to come visit us. The kids love it because she is constantly playing with them. One of their favorites is hide and go seek. She also takes turns sleeping with Taylor and Jacob every other night...which they love of course. The only complaint Scott has is that when the kids go to bed Grandma and I watch Lifetime movies. Scott really dislikes that channel. LOL!! Here are a few pictures of when Grandma was visiting us for Thanksgiving. I can't believe I didn't take any pictures on Thanksgiving day!! I realized it at the end of the day...bummer!!

Grandma and Jacob...Jacob wanted to take a picture with Grandma to put in his room,
Grandma and I
The baking begins...
decorating the cookies