Sunday, June 28, 2009

The iTaylor Show

Taylor has been creating these silly nonsense videos that she calls iTaylor. She has been bound and determined to have everyone see them. So, I told her she could record one this afternoon and I would put it on our blog. So, here it is! (and don't ask me how she comes up with this stuff).

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Our First Post in the New Blog

Okay, so my sister has been after me about starting a blog. She set it up for me and all I have to do is share our funny stories and add a few pictures. So, I thought I would give it a try. I figured that if my sister could do it, I should be able to. Right? Well, lets give it a try. Here is a little something to get me started.

Taylor...our sweet little girl who's attitude and personality seem so grown up for her age. She is 6, but acts as though she is 12. She loves to play with her friends, listen to music and dance. Another thing she is into is swimming swimming swimming. We like to call her our little fish in the water. She will be going into 1st grade this year. Man, how time flies.

Jacob...well, lets just say he is all boy. He is always busy. He is now 3 1/2 and seems to be more of a handful than he was at 2. He is very independent and strong willed. I guess he takes after his daddy. He likes to take things apart and fix them. Then if all else fails, he takes it to dad to fix. His favorite things right now are boat rides and fishing. He would probably go everyday if his daddy had the time to take him.

Hayden...our little cutie pie. He is 8 months old now and loves to smile. He is such a happy smiley little baby, just like his sister was when she was a baby. He says ma-ma (which he said first) and then da-da (which he said 3 days later). All of us love hearing him say it. The other kids get him giggling and babbling all the time. He has brought so much laughter to our house. However, he is not wanting to crawl at all. I guess he just expects all of us to carry him around for the rest of his life. sweet husband. Well, he has been working the last 2 weeks and we are all ready for him to be off. He is doing good with his job here in Lake Charles. He says he really enjoys it. We all love him having this job! He works for 1-2 weeks and then gets 1-2 weeks off. The best part of it is that he comes home every day!! This is such an improvement from the tugboats. I love not having to be a single mom anymore. :-)

Last of all, myself...what do I say about myself? Well, I have been loving working a little. I try to work 1-2 days a week. However, it usually ends up just being 1 day a week lately. I work at the hospital here in town. The rest of the time I stay busy with the kids, running errands and cleaning house. In the little bit of spare time I have left I have been making applique shirts or scrap booking.

So, this is my very first post. Hopefully, I will be good about updating frequently. That way when I'm old and gray, I can go back and remember all the wonderful Murphy's Memories.