Sunday, May 1, 2011

Fun Events of March

March was a busy month for us.  I spent a week up in Wisconsin and Minnesota visiting my family and Scott got to hang out at home with the kiddos.  I was really impressed with my hubby on how well he was doing with the kids.  The kids seemed to be having fun when I would call and check up on them.  He even took the kids to the beach one of the days.  Anyways...I first went to my Dads and we had to drive home in a blizzard.  It was VERY scary for me because it was dark and the snow made it impossible to see the roads.  Then to top it off we got stuck in the middle of an intersection.  Not fun to me at all, but my Dad had a blast and enjoyed laughing at me the entire time. 

My Daddy and I

Grandma and I!

The path to the barn was full of snow.

Dad hard at work plowing the snow.

We got the car stuck in the driveway and so this is what they had to deal with the next day.  This is a good enough reason for me not to live up North. 
The beautiful scenery Wisconsin has to offer!

After Dad's I headed to see my Mom and Grandma.  My Mom was totally cracking me up.  We decided to go to a small Bar and Grill by her house to have lunch one afternoon.  She decides to try the penny machines and ends up winning $50.  The thing that made it so hilarious was that she was drinking a beer and yelling "Praise the Lord".  Then she turns to me and asks if she was embarrassing me.  I guess by 35 I have gotten used to it!  LOL!!  Leave it to my mother to make me laugh!! 

Grandma and I

My Mom and I
My beautiful sister and I

Ashlynne and I

My sweet little Ian giving me a big squeeze

Gersito is getting so big and handsome.  I think he hates when I say that, but I can't help it
Val would probably kill me if she saw that I put this on the blog, but this was the best out of our crazy pictures we took and out of the ones she took when I stepped away.  Oh Lord...if you only knew....... 
The kids have had a blast outside already this year.  This was their first fun day in the pool.  They end up swimming usually at least once a day if not more. 

Hayden having a blast spraying his older brother and sister with the water hose.
Our sweet Hayden

Beautiful Girl...Taylor

Our cutie who just lost his first tooth.

The kids had a blast at the Mardi Gras Children's ParadeWe have been here for 3 years and have never been.  A friend of mine (Thanks Carey!!) encouraged me to go and went with me since Scott was working.  The kids had a blast.  Taylor kept yelling "Gimme something" until we told her to say "Throw me something."  She had so much stuff that she eventually started yelling "Don't throw me anymore...I can't take anymore".  That girl was cracking us up.  The boys loved seeing the floats and picking up beads and candy.  It was a lot of fun and we plan on going back next year.

The kids enjoying the experience

Hayden checking out his goodies.

Carey and I waiting on the parade

Jacob trying to be patient

Taylor and Hayden looking for more

One of our favorite shows that we watch as a family is Billy the Exterminator.  The kids LOVE his show.  So when we heard that he was coming to Lake Charles, we knew we had to take them.  The kids had a count down going they were so excited.  So here are a few pictures of the nights event.

Waiting in line to get his autograph and picture
Billy the Exterminator with the kiddos

Jacob wanted a picture with the here it is.

Friday, April 29, 2011

February Pics

The kids and I were excited about the Super Bowl Game!  We aren't into football that much, but this year we all became more involved.  It was really cute to see Taylor doing all sorts of cheers for them during the game.  Jacob was yelling at them when they would drop the ball and Hayden was yelling Go Pack Go!!  It was a lot of fun!!  

Valentines Day!  My cuties....and yes I
made Jacob wear the tie shirt I made!
Taylor trying to convince us to let her 
sleep with us.

Jacob falling fast asleep. They are so cute when they sleep.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Some January Stories

Hayden was so busy doing puzzle after puzzle one afternoon when all of a sudden I noticed it became very quiet.  So I thought it had to mean he was getting into trouble.  However...this is what I found.  One cute little 2 year old fast asleep with his head on his Diego puzzle.  

 Our two cute little boys getting along always makes us smile!
 Hayden loves his monster trucks!
 One day after dinner I told the kids to go get ready for a bath and start the water.  I stayed in the kitchen cleaning up the table when I hear Hayden yelling over and over.  " Mom help, please help" I try to figure out where he is and I follow the voice into the kids bathroom.  This is what I found...a cute little boy so happy to see me.  He must of known how cute he looked to me, because he seemed so proud of himself.  I told him he had to get in the bath tub and NOT the sink for a bath.  What a cutie!!
 Hayden wanted to put on his own pants, so we let him and this is what he did.  I guess its a start!!

 The kids came marching out of Hayden's room one day making all sorts of "noise".  They had Jacob on the tambourine, Taylor on another tambourine, and Hayden on the drums.  They looked really cute, but they were really loud.  The called themselves the Murphy Marching Band!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

More December Fun

The day after Christmas we went up to Buffalo, Texas to see Scott's Dad and Step-Mom. It was a nice time visiting with them. We also took the kids to the Polar Express Train. Scott's brother and his family went with us this year which made it more fun. The kids had a good time, but it was really cold.

Kids getting excited about opening their presents
Hayden admiring his barn set from paw-paw and grandma nell
kids still busy opening presents
Taylor very excited about her pearl earrings
Jacob also got a camo backpack of paw-paw's full of stuff...doe urine included...ohhh my
the camo cousins...Connor and Jacob
Here are some pictures of us at the Polar Express Train. My train boys loved it other than Hayden having a melt down cause we wouldn't let him run up and down the train with the other kids.

Mommy and Hayden

Connor and Jacob
Taylor and Claire
Hayden with Daddy and Mommy
Taylor, Claire, and Jacob dancing in the train
Hayden's meltdown...had to post this because he looks so silly
The whole gang posing for a picture
Just Us...