Monday, November 1, 2010


Here are our little trick or treaters. Taylor is a Charm School Girl, Hayden is Superman, and Jacob is the Night Fury from How to Train Your Dragon. Taylor was not into it too much, but was complaining of a tummy ache. Jacob started off good and then slowly started taking off his costume. First he took off the wings because they were in his way. Then he took of the mask because he was getting too hot. Last of all, he took off the tail because it kept falling off. We tried talking him into getting a different costume, but his heart was set on the Night Fury. Hayden did so great for his first real trick or treating. This was the first time he walked up to the door on his own and would say "trick or treat" and than "thank you." He did so good walking the entire time. He would get on the hayride for a little and than get down and walk up to the doors. I kept asking him if he wanted me to help him carry his bag and he would always tell me "no mommy, I carry bag!" So towards the end you see him dragging it, because it was getting to heavy for him. I think he knew if Scott or I carried it we would eat some of it! Ha! Ha!

Our three cutie pies

Our Charm School Girl (with attitude)...Taylor

Night Fury Jacob...wanting me to stop taking pictures

Our little Superman Hayden...he really was a super little boy

Taylor and Hayden walking to the hayride
Our friends daughter Caroline...had to get a picture of Superwoman and Superman
On the hayride with their candy
Jacob and Hayden getting some candy
and more candy...notice Hayden's bag dragging
Jacob on the couch digging in his candy
Hayden resting and eating his candy